
We Want to Draft Your Legacy

Are You a ‘Super-Ager’?

December 28, 2020
When people talk about “aging gracefully,” they’re usually referring to physical appearance. However, you can also have a gracefully aging mind.”
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What are the Basic Estate Planning Documents?

December 25, 2020
In a nutshell, an estate plan encompasses the accumulation, conservation and distribution of an estate. Done well, it will enhance and maintain the financial security of the next generation.
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Should a Donor-Advised Fund Be Part of My Estate Planning?

December 24, 2020
With the prospect of a Biden administration potentially raising tax rates and cutting estate tax exclusion amounts in half, some well-off taxpayers may be looking for a way to ease their burden, even while contributing to their favorite charities. A donor-advised fund may well be that opportunity.
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Federal Court Decides for ‘Blue Water’ Navy Veterans

December 23, 2020
A recent court order could give up to 15,000 Vietnam veterans previously denied disability benefits, an average of $28,000 in backdated payouts, but federal officials could still yet try to appeal the ruling in coming weeks.
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What Happens to Credit Card Debt when Someone Dies?

December 22, 2020
If you get bogged down with a high balance that you can’t easily afford to pay off, it can take years to get out of debt. However, what happens to your credit card debt, if you die before you’ve repaid it?
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What Do I Need to Do to Calculate and Correct an Excess IRA Contribution?

December 21, 2020
IRAs are a great way to save for retirement, but what happens if you contribute to a Roth IRA and your income is too high? Or you contribute more than you're allowed to a Roth or traditional IRA?
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It’s Time to Stop Procrastinating and Have Your Florida Estate Plan Done

December 18, 2020
The steady drone of coronavirus news these past nine months has spurred countless older Americans to face a long-procrastinated task: writing—or rewriting—their wills.
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What Do I Need to Know about Roth IRA Conversions?

December 17, 2020
Many investors took advantage of the pandemic-induced market decline this spring to do big Roth conversions and pay less tax on reduced asset values.
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Should a Husband and Wife have Separate Trusts?

December 16, 2020
In situations where both spouses want the surviving spouse to inherit all the assets, which is often the case, a joint trust can be far less complicated to set up and maintain than separate trusts, with less headaches for the surviving spouse.
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How Do I Plan for a Loved One with Special Needs?

December 15, 2020
It is critical that parents and grandparents give careful thought to any gift of money or bequest in an estate plan, when the recipient has special needs.
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