On March 13 President Trump declared a national emergency due to extraordinary circumstances resulting from Coronavirus. This Declaration opens up new methods for employers to provide tax-favored financial assistance to employees affected by the virus.
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After a lifetime of working and saving, retirement is the light at the end of the tunnel. Most of us envision it as a time of rest and relaxation, when we enjoy the fruits of our labors. We envision a steady source of income without the need to go to work each day.
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Planning for changes to the estate tax and the valuation discount for small businesses can be challenging. Here’s how to take advantage of them now.
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The estate tax in the United States is a tax on your right to transfer property to other individuals upon your death, according to the IRS. In other words, when you die, the U.S. government might be entitled to a portion of your assets before the remainder can be passed to your heirs. Not all inherited assets are subject to the estate tax. In fact, the U.S. estate tax only affects the wealthiest households.
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