Tag: Wills

We Want to Draft Your Legacy

Who Inherits from Prince Philip?

May 19, 2021
Who will inherit what from the Duke?
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I am Concerned That My Son-in-Law will get My Estate

May 13, 2021
You may love your son-in-law or daughter-in-law now, but that could change down the road. So, if you don’t want your money going to your child’s future ex, here’s what you should do.
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Why Is Dr. Oz Suing Sister over Inheritance?

April 27, 2021
Mehmet Öz, a U.S. celebrity surgeon of Turkish origin better known as “Dr. Oz,” took legal action against his sister Nazlım Suna Öz, claiming she forged documents over their father’s inheritance.
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What Does ‘Per Stirpes’ in a Will Mean?

April 20, 2021
Per stirpes in a will means that a deceased’s child’s share will pass to the deceased’s child’s children in equal shares, if any.
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Should a Trust Be Part of My Estate Plan?

April 15, 2021
What are the advantages of putting assets into a trust?
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Why Would I Need a Living Trust?

April 6, 2021
Have you made any plans to distribute your assets and take care of your family, when you die or become incapacitated?
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Estate Planning and a Second Marriage

March 26, 2021
Married people in second marriages with prior children often have to balance the future well-being of their spouse with that of their own children.
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If My Estate Is the Beneficiary of My IRA, How Is It Taxed?

March 25, 2021
When an estate is named beneficiary of an IRA, what is the method of distributing it to one individual in the most tax-effective way?
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Estate Planning for a Blended Family

March 18, 2021
If you’re in a blended family, you’re already aware of the emotional and financial issues involved in your daily life. However, what about the future?
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Does A Trust Help with Probate and Inheritance Taxes?

March 8, 2021
I was told that unlike wills, a trust doesn’t require probate and is not taxable. My main asset is a house that I want to pass on to my son. Would a living trust help?
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