Why Is Florida Estate Planning So Important?

Having an estate plan is among the most important things you can do for your loved ones. It is, however, a task many of us dread and put off dealing with until later in life. If there is one thing we can recommend, it is that it is never too early to start planning. However, it can be too late. Do you have an estate plan that will provide for your loved ones, in the event of death or upon incapacity?
March 31, 2020

If you are new to the concept of Florida estate planning, you can get swamped with issues fairly easily. You should still soldier on. Start with the basics, says Forbes’ recent article entitled “The Importance Of Estate Planning.”

A Florida estate plan is a collection of legal documents that details the way in which you want your assets distributed after you die, along with how you want people you select to handle health and financial decisions, if you’re unable to do so for yourself while you’re alive.

A comprehensive estate plan written by an experienced Florida estate planning attorney can help you feel more confident about the future because you’ll know your loved ones will be cared for and that the legacy you leave behind is the one you planned. Well thought-out planning now can help decrease any taxes and probate fees and make certain that your loved ones will have less to worry about and less stress when you are gone. However, if you don’t make plans for your estate, it can result in unintended complications for your family.

Let’s look at some of the essential estate planning documents:

  • Will: This is the standard document in your Florida estate plans. Your will designates an executor (or personal representative) to administer the distribution of your assets as you want. In your will, you can also appoint guardians of minor children who will care for them.
  • Durable Power of Attorney: This document names a trusted family member, friend, or advisor to serve as your agent to act on your behalf in your financial and legal matters.
  • Designation of Health Care Surrogate: It will name a trusted individual to make medical decisions for you when you are unable, and permits access to your medical records (some institutions may require more documentation for full access to medical records).
  • Living Will: This is where you can state your end-of-life care wishes. Living wills can cover pain relief and whether you would want a ventilator, feeding tube or resuscitation.

You also need to regularly review and update your Florida estate plan. There may be changes in probate and tax laws, as well as life changes, such as marriage, divorce, or the birth, adoption, or death of a family member that require a revision of your plan.

Reference: Forbes (March 2, 2020) “The Importance Of Estate Planning”

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